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Case Study

Taga: Revolutionizing engineering design with the J35™ Pro.

Top view of Parazero drone black background.

Learn how Taga utilized Stratasys technology to create a safety feature for drones.


Design and design engineering firms are continually facing numerous hurdles to stay in business. In today’s world, the increasing competition as well as the continual need to impress and satisfy clients and provide innovative solutions can put unnecessary pressure on many firms. Taga, a manufacturing engineering company specializing in the fields of industrial design, engineering planning and UX/UI, decided to test their applications with the J35™ Pro PolyJet™ 3D printer to decide whether adopting an in-house 3D printer would help them deal with the traditional areas of difficulty these firms face. Yaniv Adir, project manager at Taga, shared some of the lessons learned in using the J35 Pro.
Parazero drone dark background.

Before we had the J35 Pro, we would spend lots of time communicating, preparing models. The entire process took weeks and lots of testing — and it did not always work. With our current in-house possibilities, we get most printing jobs done overnight and get many working models to share with our customers.


Prior to using the J35 Pro, Taga found that once the design process was complete, it took an extremely long amount of time to send the models out and test them. Due to these issues a limited number of models were sent to external vendors and extreme caution was taken to ensure that these external vendors were trustworthy and wouldn’t reveal any IP developed by them or their clients. Also, concept validation testing would involve a limited number of models and the models weren’t always of the quality and accuracy Taga aims for. Yaniv realized that something had to change, “If I wanted to grow my business and service to customers, then the best way to go about it is to shorten time to service while improving the product that I am delivering.” Yaniv Adir, Taga.
Top and bottom view of Parazero drone white background

This has been extremely beneficial in some of our medical projects. Also, an added benefit is that some of our designs are IP protected and having the ability to print inhouse instead of sending it out to an external party has provided more security and insured that there is less risk involved.


Taga decided to adopt the Stratasys J35 Pro for their designers and engineers. The printer has provided a multitude of benefits, but Yaniv claims that the main advantage has been the ability to carry out quick testing — which has proved to be critical both internally and externally with customers.

For example, one of Taga’s projects involved a safety feature for drones. The challenge in the product was having the ability to stop the drone rotary and reduce breakability. They needed the rotary to have a high level of flexibility and were uncertain what the best level of rigidity should be. This issue was solved by using multiple prints. Prior to owning the J35 Pro, printing this many prints would have involved long hours and countless printing attempts. Instead, they used the J35 Pro to print four different samples with varying levels of rigidity, which immediately enabled their clients to perceive the concept and adopt the appropriate design. This not only enabled a viable product but helped them differentiate themselves.


With the J35 Pro, Taga has been able to adopt multi-material printing. The combination of flexible and rigid materials have also enabled them to design prototypes to meet various product needs.

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