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Stratasys brings multi-material 3D printing to the desktop with the new J35 Pro.

Heather Morris

Heather Morris

Senior Manager, Public Relations

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Today Stratasys introduced the first multi-material desktop 3D printer based on the very latest in PolyJet™ technology. The Stratasys J35™ Pro 3D printer is designed to produce prototypes, models and use parts for a wide range of industries, all from the convenience of the office environment, available at a substantially lower cost than other multi-material PolyJet solutions.


The all-in-one J35 Pro 3D printer allows designers and engineers to accomplish different results throughout various stages of the product development lifecycle. From concept modeling to high-fidelity, realistic, fully functioning models, the J35 Pro brings it all to life. In addition, the multi-material capabilities of the printer allow designers and engineers to incorporate the widest variety of grayscale colors and VeroUltraClear materials into a single print, while achieving complex shapes, intricate details, and delicate features. Engineers and designers can now not only see what the product will look like, but to test the functionality of it in the pre-production stage.
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“We find that we spend a great deal of time creating and testing models. If a customer had changes or if it doesn’t work as expected, we would have to go through the process over again. By bringing the J35 Pro into our office, we can now create the models and prototypes in-house, in a day – giving us the ability to iterate, correct errors and more efficiently verify designs with our customers,” says Yaniv Adir project manager for Taga Innovations, Ltd, a manufacturing engineering company in Tel Aviv, Israel. “This printer has allowed us to revolutionize the way in which we do business. By creating functional and realistic models in house, decision makers receive something they can hold in their hands, move and articulate - leading to quicker and smarter decision making.”


With the J35 Pro, users have the option to combine a variety of materials that can be printed simultaneously giving engineers and designers the versatility to produce parts that match their exact needs. The printer can incorporate up to three materials that can be printed as single material parts or combined on the same model part, on the same tray. Applications include over-molding, filling simulation and printing in full grey scale. Materials available for the J35 Pro include DraftGrey, VeroUltra WhiteS and VeroUltra Black, Vero™ ContactClear Bio-Compatible, Elastico Clear and Elastico Black, and Digital ABS Plus.

“It is very exciting to bring this level of multi-material 3D printing capabilities into the design and engineering office environment – designers and engineers can now harness the power of their imagination and bring their ideas to life without having to leave their workstation,” says Shamir Shoham, vice president of design for Stratasys. “Our customers can now create the best and most innovative solutions for their customers, all without being reliant on outsourcing, worrying about lost IP, time consuming modeling or simple 2D renderings. With the J35 Pro, we put the power to print into their hands.”


Built for the office environment, the J35 Pro has a small footprint, is silent when operating and odor-free; it also requires very little maintenance thanks to a unique rotating build tray. The easy-to-use J35 Pro offers a streamlined design-to-print workflow powered by GrabCAD Print, which allows users to import their designs using native CAD files or 3MF file formats. Additionally, hands-free soluble support removal makes post-processing simple and enables the creation of complex parts without compromising accuracy or detail.


The J35 Pro is available for orders today and is expected to begin shipping in September. Learn more about the Stratasys J35 Pro online.

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